Terms of Services
Date of publication: 2024-03-10
Thanks for using Narrative!
Just give us a holler if anything below is unclear and we’ll try to make it clearer.
We’ve tried to make the language a bit easier and not so “lawyerish” - in the hopes that this document will be easy to understand.
This contract explains the terms of service for Narrative's services. When you use Narrative's products and services, it means you've read and agreed to this contract in its entirety. They apply to everyone using our services, including those with paid accounts.
We can change these terms of service at any time, and if it's a big change, we'll let you know on the Narrative website. We decide what changes are big or not. If you keep using our services after we've made a big change, it means you agree with the new terms of service.
1. You have to be 18 years old to use the service.
2. Privacy Policy
When you sign up for our services, we'll need some of your information. We handle your information according to our Privacy Policy, which you can find here.
3. License
We give you the right (non-exclusive and non transferable) to use our service for your personal use. You can't sell, share, or use our services in any way. You also can't copy what we do or try to mess with our service.
4. The Service
Our service comes as-is, and we can't promise it'll always be available or perfect. Sometimes, we might change things or limit usage if needed. We’ll try to keep you informed of these in advance, if we know of them. Delays, slow speeds and other issues can happen both on our end and as a result of the service being dependant on third party service providers.
5. User Responsibilities
a. Fair Use Policy Explained. We want to make sure our service, powered by OpenAI and Anthropic, works great for everyone. So, we have some rules to prevent it from being overused. We expect everyone to use our tool reasonably and responsibly. These rules help make sure that our service stays fast and reliable for everyone. We promise that our fair usage policy is designed to meet the needs of genuine users while considering certain conditions. Our aim is to provide the best possible experience for everyone who uses our services. This means delivering high-quality service to each user in a fair and equal manner.
b. Limits on Usage. We have some limits on how much you can use our service. You should pick a plan that fits your needs. If you use our service a lot, you might need a higher-level plan or a custom one. We want to keep things fair for everyone.
c. No Sharing Accounts. You're only allowed to have one user per account. Sharing your account details with others for money or any other reason is not allowed. Our system checks for unusual usage, and if it finds any, it might lower the quality of the output. This usually gets better next month.
d. Our Goal. Our goal is to make sure everyone can use our service safely and that it works well for everyone. These rules, in partnership with OpenAI and Anthropic, help us achieve that. Read more on that in section 6.
e. Your responsibility.
The short way of describing your responsibility is: Follow the law, follow our rules and don't cause trouble. Here's the slightly longer version:
What to DO:
- Be lawful and follow the law.
- Follow our rules and guidelines.
- Respect copyrights and other rights.
- Use the service for the right purposes.
- Also, try to prevent harm when you use our services and follow our guidelines. We might ask for info about how you're keeping things safe.
What NOT to Do:
- Don't post illegal, false, or harmful content.
- Don’t post content that violates someone else’s patents or copyrights etc.
- Don't share or sell our services.
- Don't copy our services, models and systems.
- Don't use our services for viruses or bad stuff.
- Don't remove notices about IP- and copyrights.
- Don't disrupt our services, mess with our systems or break our security.
- Don't scrape or collect data from our website without permission.
- Don't use our service to create or send spam or unwanted stuff.
- Don't use our trademarks without permission. Our logos and images are ours, so don't use them without asking. If you want to link to our website, you can use our images and icons.
- Don't fake your info.
- Don't try to figure out our code.
- Don't take people's info without permission.
- Don't pretend to be someone else.
- Don't share sensitive health info.
- Don't help others break rules or laws.
- Don’t use our service in a way that breaks national or international laws.
- Especially don't use our service in ANY way that harms minors, for example exposing them to inappropriate content or other bad stuff.
- Our AI service providers, Open AI and Anthropic, don't allow creating sexual, religious, or political content. So, please don't generate any of that. If you accidentally try to, you'll see an "Unsafe Content" error message as a one-time warning. If you try it again, your subscription will be canceled, and you won't be able to use our services anymore, with no refunds.
6. You must also follow the OpenAI and Anthropic Usage Guidelines.
These are to be found here and here. If Narrative, Anthropic or OpenAI asks, you'll give them information about what you're doing to keep things safe. This info can help improve the Services and make sure everyone follows the rules.
7. We can watch how you use our services in order to monitor the above.
And take action if you don't follow these rules. We might remove content or talk to the police if needed.
8. Service Suspension & Termination.
We can stop your access to our service if we need to, for any reason. We can also end the service altogether, with or without telling you.
9. Your Content
a. When you share stuff with us (we call it “User Content”): You can share text (and in the future maybe files, images, music, and more on our services). This is your "User Content," and we don't own it.
b. Permissions: When you share User Content, you give us permission to use, modify, and show it to others. You still own it.
c. Responsibility: You promise that you have all the necessary rights to let us use your content as described in these Terms. You also promise that your content and its use won't break any laws or hurt anyone's rights, like intellectual property or privacy rights. Don't break anyone else's rights or the law.
d. Removing Content: You can delete your User Content, but some copies might stay on our servers.
e. The Generated Content: Narrative gives you permission to use Generated Content for your business. You can use, copy, change, sell, and share it for your legal business needs. In legal speech this is called: “a non-exclusive, worldwide, license, with the right to sublicense, use, copy, modify, sell, create derivative works based upon, distribute, publicly display, and publicly perform Generated Content for your lawful business purposes.”
10. Generative AI content.
a. False content. Because generative AI technology is evolving rapidly, the Services might sometimes give you wrong information about people, places, or facts. You and your users should check if the information is true. If you trust this information and use it, you're taking a risk, and it's your responsibility.
b. Similarity of content. Because of how machine learning works, what the Services create might not always be unique. This means different people might get the same or similar answers for similar questions. For example, if you ask our service to write a short text describing a pair of skis someone else who asks the same question might get a similar answer. But remember, the answers that others get aren't your own content.
11. Links to Third Party Websites or Resources.
The service may allow you to access third-party websites or other resources. We provide access only as a convenience and are not responsible for the content, products or services on or available from those resources or links displayed on such websites. You need to know that when you use things from other places online, it's all on you. You take all the responsibility and any risks that come with it.
When you point the service towards third-party websites, we read and summarize the pages indicated. The summaries are fed into the AI. We NEVER copy a web page straight to your content.
12. Cancellation & Refund Policy.
Payments for our service are usually non-refundable, but we might consider refund requests in special cases.
13. Disclaimer of Warranties.
We can't guarantee our service will always work perfectly or meet all your needs. We're not responsible for any problems it causes.
14. Limitation of Liability
a. What We're Not Responsible For: We want to make it clear that neither Narrative nor the folks who help us provide the services will be responsible for certain types of problems or losses you might experience. These include things like:
i. Small, unexpected issues
ii. Special or excellent losses
iii. Money you might have made but didn't
iv. Savings you expected but didn't get
v. Missed business opportunities
vi. Lost information or your computer having trouble
vii. Problems with our service or a similar service costing you money
viii. These issues could happen because of problems with our service or because you couldn't use our service for some reason. It doesn't matter if it's because of something we did wrong, like a mistake or not keeping a promise, or if it's because of something else like a problem with your computer. Even if someone told us this might happen, we won't be responsible for these kinds of problems.
b. The Most We'll Ever Be Responsible For: If, by some chance, we are responsible for any problems or losses you have, we won't be responsible for more than what you've paid us for our service or $100, whichever is less. If you haven't paid us anything, this part doesn't apply.
c. Why These Rules Are Important These rules about what we're responsible for and what we're not responsible for are very important. They are the basic rules that both Narrative and you agree to when you use our service.
15. Release and Indemnity.
By accepting these terms, you are letting go of any legal claims against Narrative, its affiliated companies, and all the individuals and entities associated with them. This means you won't sue them for any past, present, or future issues related to your use of their services.Additionally, you agree to protect and cover the costs for Narrative, its affiliated companies, and all the individuals and entities associated with them if they are sued because of your actions. This includes covering any expenses they may incur, such as legal fees and damages, resulting from:
a. You breaking any part of this agreement.
b. Your use of the services, or the use of the services by anyone using your account.
c. Any violation of someone else's rights caused by you.
16. Credit Card/Debit Card and E-Sign Consent.
If you agree to these terms, we can charge your credit or debit card each month for the amount you agreed to. Make sure you have enough money or credit available. You can cancel this agreement, but you need to do it in time.
17. E-Sign Consent Regarding Recurring Payment Authorization.
You agree to get electronic copies of payment authorization instead of paper ones. You can't change your mind about this, but you can still cancel the payment agreement.
These are the rules for using Narrative. Follow them, and everything will be fine!
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